Thursday, June 7, 2012

This was written by a friend and OCLB Teammate in Nevada, Deidre Hammon (mom to adult child with disabilities, Brianna Hammon) in response to the Dr. Phil segment in which it was discussed whether a parent has the right to legally euthanize his/her child because of a disability.  I found this so raw and powerful that I wanted to post it on my blog.  I will convey any comments to Deidre.

Parent Rights - and Wrongs:

I have learned over the years that parents are often encultured to messages of bigotry starting early, and we are sold the myth of cure, and other pernicious mythologies about disabilities by the very agencies that should be supporting us to understand  the scope of our children's disabilities, and to accept and celebrate our children for who they are: people with disabilities, bringing that much needed face of God to every environment they enter.

We, in our initial grief. Can be easily led astray to believing what culture says is true about people with disabilities, which is mostly negative, and deficits based.

And besides that, we're not disabled. I have learned over the years that there is stuff I don't get -and never will get- until I myself am disabled.

So while I always believe in a parent's love, I often find I have to lead them back past all the bigotry and mythology to where they can see through their children's eyes, THEN, from that perspective, I rely on their love to do the rest. And most of my best teachers have been adults with disabilities, so I have valuable insights into the perspective of people with disabilities. And sometimes, (God forgive me, even 29 years in) I am still wrong as a parent -as Brianna can easily attest to! 

Sometimes it may be important to second guess parents, to help them find their way back home to their perfect-just-as-they-are kid.

I really cannot even imagine the horrors at work in the soul of the woman who wants to lethally inject her children. Someone has led her very very far from home.


Deidre Hammon